All swedes don't support governments disease spreading policy

eThe swedish government is very kocnerned about the description of Sweden and swedish autoritiers abroad. Government says that we, the swedes are lika dogs, who willinly obey their housbonds. The government says we trust inte the autoiriies än thereofore obey their advices. We don't. Mostly yong people think they can't die. Elderly people are very afraid of the disease and listen to the advices of the authorities in other contries. The swedish People health autrority (Folkällsomundigheten) and the state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell,who is a formar UN expert, has lied to much to be trusted on.What dud ge di as a UN expert?
The swedish forein policy is obviosly to export the disease to other contries, who just has got rid of it, in order they vill got so many new problems among ther own population that they vill stop critisism the swedish government and authrietes, for theri deadly experiment in getting "herd immunitation" amongm the swedes.
I, and many other swedes, are very disappointet and upset of governments permitting attityde towards tjist ridiculas idea. I understand the many people around the world also is very upset, and acuse us, the swedes for all the lies and lack of resposinsbility. But you must not accuse us, the swedish people. We hav enow lived with this deadly thretat against ourselves, caused of the government and the Folkhäsomyndigheten, in several months, .
We, the swedes, need yor help agains other own government and the Folkhälsomyndigheten. So many people in my own age has died of this experiment. This is the first time has witten anythin in enlish since i left school 60 yeras ago. During that time I hav been outside Sweden only a few times. Only four times outside the nordic contries and no time outside Europe.I'm really a representative of "local people" i Sweden. And I understand that I, and other swedes, not are welcoma to other contries under this circmstantions. .We have a government who lies and says swedich tourists visiting other contries kan not spread the desease.
The government says that the viirus came to Sweden with swisch tourists, who had visiting Italy and not with italien tourists visitieng Sweden. Is it true that virus only can cross borders with tourist who retues to their hom coanties, but not in the opposite direcion? Stop swedish government harrasing other countries. Help us!


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